Friday, December 18, 2009

Durga Puja in Different Corners of the Globe

Durga Puja in Different Corners of the Globe

Since time immemorial man has been worshipping a supreme power. This power is sometimes called Shakti, Sristi, Iswari or something like that. In the Hindu scriptures Durga is the Divine Mother who is worshipped in various forms too. Sometimes she is called Durga, sometimes she is called the Adi Satkti Mahamaya and sometimes she is called Chandika. Actually all are immersed into one. The aspect is different.

Actually Durga is the only Goddess in the Hindu scripture who is worshipped in different forms. She is referred to as the Durgatiharini or the Woman who can remove our weal and woes, safeguards us amid all precarious states. As a result she is worshipped at every corner of the globe with the purpose of enjoying the essence of material prosperity. Without her blessings material gains are impossible.

Devi Durga is worshipped at every corner of the globe where the Bengalis live. The Bengali community waits all the year round when the days of the Durga Puja come. The worship of Durga means the evocation of the auspicious spirit to get the better of the evil spirit. Keeping the point in view not only the Bengalis but also the devotees of Durga arrange different pujas round the globe so that the evil force is exhausted for good from the surface of the earth.

 Mother Durga is worshipped with solemnity in different corners of our beautiful planet. The Bengalis and the other Indians who reside in different parts celebrate Durga puja with much fun fare. Even the people of the other nations never lag behind. They too come forward with the same zeal and enthusiasm. In the US Mother is worshipped in Arizona with active enthusiasm. In California too the people are beside themselves with joy when the arrival of mother is declared.

In Santa Barbera, Santiago, Lost Angeles, Colorado, in the counties of the UK, in Germany, Belgium and France in the countries of the Far East Mother is worshipped with heartfelt homage. Different cultural programs too are organized by the puja committees to sway the people in the melody of non stop glee.

For details visit website

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