Saturday, February 6, 2010

Chhat Puja

    Chhat puja is also known as surya shashti or Dala chat. Sun god is worshipped in chat puja. It is widely celebrated by Hindus in Bihar. It falls on the 6th day (chat) of Karthik month (late Oct / Nov). Sun god is known for his purity and braveness. The sun rise and sun set are known for the cycle of birth and re birth.

    In Hindu mythology, chat puja has its prominence. It is told that Draupadi performed chat puja and worshipped sun god with great reverence. The result of the vratha helped Draupadi and her family during there vanavasa a lot. Sun god gave his blessings to her and guarded them.

    Chat puja is performed with great reverence and esteem for 4 days. The first day, ritual bath is taken by the performer. House and surroundings are cleaned properly and the devotee sleeps on the floor for the four days. Pure vegetarian food is taken by devotee without any salt in it. Next day he will completely fast (upavasa) and give offerings to sun god (aarghya). On the 4th day, under the covering of sugar cane sticks, diyas are lit and offered to sun god. This lighting of lamps is known as Kosi. Songs and bajans/folk songs are sung in the name of god known as chat geet.

    Scientifically, chat puja has a great prominence. The radiation energy of the sun will be received by the devotee and hence vitamins, other body requirements will be full filled. Due to fasting, detoxification of the body takes place. Spiritually, mental relief will be acquired. Chat puja is performed greatly in the sun temples, with great respect.

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