Tuesday, January 26, 2010



It is the grand night of Lord Shiva. It is said to be Shiva’s favorite day and believed that worshipping him on this day will being moksha/ liberation. Mahasivaratri falls on new-moon day in the month of Maagha (Feb/March).

    In mythology Mahasivaratri has got a eminent story. It is told that the re-union of Lord Shiva and Parvati (Shakti) took place on Mahasivaratri after the event at Dakshayagna where Shakti maatha burns her own self to ashes. It is the day when Lord Parameswara performed “Rudra-tandava”, which is the dance of creation, perpetuation and destruction. It also finds its mention in Mahabharata, where Bhismacharya, in his last stage, explain the greatness of Mahasivatri to king Chitrabhanu. He tells a story of a hunter who unconsciously does puja to Shivalinga with Bael (Bilva) leaves and does fasting on the day and night of Mahasivaratri. Lord Shiva blesses the hunter with liberation/moksha though he worshiped him unknowingly. Such is the love of Shiva on his creations.

    People on this day wake up early in the morning and does puja to Lord Shiva in “Lingam” form. Vratha and abhisheka/ ritual bath is performed to Shiva with milk, honey, sandalwood paste, water, ghee etc. People with great reverence recite the panchakshari manthra i.e. “Om Namah Sivayah”. Worshipping bola Shankar with great reverence pleases him and he grants all the wishes. People do fasting on the day and night and doesn’t sleep in the night. This is known as “Jagaram”. People drink “Thandri”, a special drink as prasada after puja.

    Shivaratri is greatly celebrated in Varanasi and watching it will be a great bliss. Shivaratri leaves you with a real peace of mind.

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