Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Puri Rath Yatra

Puri Rath Yatra
Studded with exquisite temples, Puri is one of the four great Hindu pilgrimage centers of India. The most beautiful, Jagannath temple, was built on the Nilgiris in 12th century A.D, in typical Oriya style of architecture. Puri rath yatra is also known as Rath Yatra or chariot procession draws pilgrims from all parts of India. The festival symbolizes Krishna’s journey from Gokul or Mathura. It takes place around june-july, when the image of Jagannath, the lord of the universe is taken out from Sri Mandir through the lion gate.

    It is then placed on an immense wooden chariot of temple structure for the processional journey to Gundicha Ghat, about two kms away. The chariot nearly forty five feet high, is supported by 16 wheels and is followed by two smaller ones of Balbhadra, lord Krishna’s brother and his sister, Subhadra. The images return to the temple after eight days. It is common belief that anyone who takes part in pulling the chariot becomes free from the cycle of birth and re birth.

    People from different parts of the world turn up to see the procession of Lord Jagannath, with retinue of elephants, camels and dancers. The festival of puri rath yatra is a full scale manifestation of the spiritual and cultural traditions deeply rooted in the name of Krishna. Many bajans and keerthan will be sung during the procession. Lord Jagannatha will be decorated beautifully with flowers etc and many rituals baths will be performed before the rath yatra begins. Pilgrimage to Puri is really a spiritual relief.

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